Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tell it to my face, you bastard!

Ah.. rant post. I hate it when people go around talking shit about me behind my back. If you must abuse/insult/feebly attempt to rape me, at least be mature enough to do it to my face. If you have a problem with what I say or do or how I do it, come spit it out on me. Don't do it behind my back like a half-assed little girl who hasn't got a quarter of a ball to speak of.

I'm not naming any names here.. those who do such vague shit know it themselves. Does it matter how powerful, well connected, intelligent, quick witted, or popular you are, if you don't have enough fire in you to come say something, however trivial it may be, to another guy? Are you that much of a pussy?

The only reason to hide your opinions from someone is when you're either scared of voicing them, or you think the other guy is going to rip your ideas and thoughts to shreds because they're made of nothing more than hot air with a lot of methane in it. And to the guys in question: I assure you, its a hell of a lot of methane. Despising someone just because they don't like to do the same stuff as you is just, to put it colloquially, fart.

I don't care who you are. I don't give a damn about what you can or can't do. Your opinion, so highly prized by so many around you, is worth less than an eczemic rat to me if you don't have the nethers to come voice them. Fuck you.

PS: If you think this is addressed to you, drop me a line and I'll tell you why you're right


Anonymous said...

why an eczemic rat of all things?

Sharanya said...

I'll have to look up eczemic. Damn, I'm the one doing a BA, I should know :P

Also: Ouch.

shreyas said...

why anonymous of all things?

Anonymous said...

Anonymity means I appear all mysterious and cool and stuff.It also means I can ask dumb questions. Now your turn to answer.

Unknown said...

ooh..somebody's really mad...
what happened, dude? i saw u at godav's and u were fine :O..

bhavini said...

Dah-ham. I'm nervously glad 'you' isn't me.

Aroused said...

tell me how it is addressed to me..

shreyas said...

If you think it is, then it is.

Aroused said...

then you should have told me directly no why blog?? and if it wsnt addressed to me you shud have faced the guy directli..thts what i got as the moral of ur story..:)

shreyas said...

I blogged about it because I wanted to (it IS my blog, you see), that's my way of letting out steam. Sorry if it doesn't fall in with your ideas.