Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tell it to my face, you bastard!

Ah.. rant post. I hate it when people go around talking shit about me behind my back. If you must abuse/insult/feebly attempt to rape me, at least be mature enough to do it to my face. If you have a problem with what I say or do or how I do it, come spit it out on me. Don't do it behind my back like a half-assed little girl who hasn't got a quarter of a ball to speak of.

I'm not naming any names here.. those who do such vague shit know it themselves. Does it matter how powerful, well connected, intelligent, quick witted, or popular you are, if you don't have enough fire in you to come say something, however trivial it may be, to another guy? Are you that much of a pussy?

The only reason to hide your opinions from someone is when you're either scared of voicing them, or you think the other guy is going to rip your ideas and thoughts to shreds because they're made of nothing more than hot air with a lot of methane in it. And to the guys in question: I assure you, its a hell of a lot of methane. Despising someone just because they don't like to do the same stuff as you is just, to put it colloquially, fart.

I don't care who you are. I don't give a damn about what you can or can't do. Your opinion, so highly prized by so many around you, is worth less than an eczemic rat to me if you don't have the nethers to come voice them. Fuck you.

PS: If you think this is addressed to you, drop me a line and I'll tell you why you're right

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The week that was (contd)

Here we go again, after a much longer break than I'd anticipated (or heck, maybe I'm just lazy :D)

Day 1 - Probably the most irritating morning of my life. Never thought there could be a hundred different tiny things that could delay a large event's start. Personally, I was asleep till 9 AM.. the other two coords bravely headed out at 7:45 (my excuse being the previously mentioned late night practice :D). With Paintball scheduled to start at 10, I saunter into the arena at 9:30, expecting everything to be in place and ready to go.

And what's happening at the venue? No facilities, no tables, no chairs, no WATER, no electricity, no extension boards... To cut a long, sad story short, we finally got everything up and going at 11:15. And this with people storming the damn desk expecting registrations to start precisely at 10, not to mention our "special" pre-registered people who, at least, expected insti stuff to work according to insti time.

Another thing I forgot to mention.. one of our "special" people was a reporter from Deccan Chronicle, a Mr. Harish Prakash (must be respectful about the Press, now). He was one of the people who ate into my supposed leisure time during Day 0.. but it was worth it. Check out , and I SWEAR I NEVER SAID THAT (or beamed it, or whatever. Earth to Spock.).

After a pretty chaotic morning, stuff settled down around 2 PM. We wrapped up registrations for the evening pretty quickly. SpEnt quiz followed at 2:15, in which our team (Vibhu, Aneesh, and I) missed qualifying by a whopping 3 points :(. Light Music group (aka Tarang) was up next, where we played two Rock On songs (Yeh Tumhari Meri Baatein, and Pichhle Saat Dinon Mein), and a third song.

Our lead singer for the first two songs was Aswathy, and MA freshie (mm-hmm, first year..), who was actually pretty incredible. Do check the videos out on my Orkut page/YouTube (search for the cuppers). For the third song, we didn't have a singer. For the simple reason that we were forbidden from "singing" that song. You'd have guessed it by now.. we'd planned to play Sutta on stage.

What did we end up doing? We played and let the crowd sing along (thankfully, it WAS full of our friends.. you ROCKED, guys). The coords had no reason to throw us off stage/cut off our music/shoot us, so we finished our set well. And as Soccer put it, we had ChuChu on drums, Shaggy on bass, Soccer on vocals, and before that, Aswathy on vocals (the "singer" forgot that he was playing rhythm. And he didn't sing a word). All hail Soccer. MAX RESPECT!!

The day wound up with Choreo Nite, which I was too tired to sit through. I did watch NIT Trichy perform though, and their theme based performance was simply brilliant. Kudos to them.. they did win first place.

Day 2 shall follow. Soon. I hope.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The week that was... Two weeks ago

I know I'm incredibly late in writing this, but I've finally wound down after Saarang, and (hopefully) recovered enough from the insanity to actually make a coherent sentence. So here we go, day by day, play by play.

Day 0 - What I thought would be my last day of chilling out turns out to be one of the most hectic days ever.. who thought setting up a paintball field could be so much damn work, even when you get the pros! Work started at 12 noon and ended around 7.30 pm, with everything from electricity to rope causing problems. The only thing that seemed to be right on the spot was Unni's (more on him later) temperament, which would be that of a jolly Godfather regardless of whether everything was running smoothly or the damn walls where collapsing inwards.

With everything finally set up and the demo games played (for the news reporter who never showed up), we went and saw Kanyakumari's ensemble of 50 violinists. With people between the ages of 7 and 70 on stage together, playing the same note at precisely the same instant, it's a sight to behold. Beyond words.

Next up was Shobana's Maya Ravan, which, frankly, was a horrible letdown. It started off well enough, with the story accurately portraying events of the Ramayan, and some exceptional dancing by the entire cast. Interest waned after an hour, though, when it got both monotonous and outrageous at the same time. I mean, how can you possibly portray the Vaanars as dancing to some stupid gult number which goes "Rock n Roll" every 3 seconds, and expect the audience to love it? We aren't exactly 3 years old, ma'am (four, to be precise).

After that I had to go practice for Tarang till 4 am, which, though it did pay off in the end, was incredibly irritating given my state of mind.

I'll post about the remaining days tomorrow, rather tired right now.

And before I forget.. Unni (or Retd. Squadron Leader Unni Nair) is the director of the company which organized paintball for us. He's old, speaks incredible English, and has a sense of humor that's more puzzling than funny. I can shoot a target with a paintball marker more accurately than him, though, so paaack :D